Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why I love my brother...

(The most recent picture I have of the two of us...eeek)

I love my brother, Aaron, because:

1. He randomly called me up and asked if he could come down to Provo and hang out with me for the weekend. (I said “yes”, of course and he rode from Rexburg to Provo last Friday to stay at my house.

2. After I picked him up, he pulled out his Ukulele in the car and started playing/singing the whole car ride to my house.

3. He has a very witty sense of humor and made me laugh the whole time he was here.

4. He changed my guitar strings for me!

5. It makes me laugh every time that he visits me because my ward ALWAYS thinks that he is my boyfriend. We sat next to one another in sacrament meeting and then after church he told me that in the Priesthood session he stood and introduced himself and a member of the Bishopric said, “Ohhhh…okay we had bets going whether you were her brother or boyfriend.”

There are many more reasons. I will name one more in this blog.

6. After I dropped him off at his friend’s house to go back to Rexburg, I went straight to the Marriott Center for the CES broadcast with Elder M. Russell Ballard. I didn’t have time to meet up with anyone because I had just enough time to get to the Center before it started. So I went in and found a seat in the bleachers behind the choir. I was happy to be there in the presence of an apostle but I started to feel really lonely. I started thinking, “I am here in a room full of people and I came alone? How incredibly lame!” I let loneliness creep in. I tried to shrug it off, then reached into my bag for my pen and pad of paper so that I could take notes. That is when I saw a message written on the first page of my note pad. It said, “Dear Emily, You are awesome. I love you! Sincerely, Aaron Peet”. And I couldn’t help it…I started crying right there in the middle of people that I didn’t even know ( I realize that I am kind of a baby...). I cried because it meant so much to me in that moment. And for that I love my brother! Thank you, Aaron, for your note!


  1. What a sweet boy! I just love brothers.

  2. :D I love you guys! Y'all are so cute! <3
    ...Hey! I took that picture in the MTC! Missionaries walking by were flipping out. It was so funny. Great times, amazing memories :)

  3. That is sooo special! I wish I had that close of a relationship with my brother! You should feel very lucky to have a brother like him!
    Love and miss you!



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Provo, Utah, United States