Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A little bit of self-realization...

Since before I can remember I have had certain dreams. Dreams that may or may not come true for me in my life. A time of grieving has followed that acceptance. And realizing that life will not be everything that I dreamt it would be has been a process.

I have spent an awful lot of time recently in prayer and contemplation of what exactly my life is worth and why exactly I feel so unsatisfied with where I am and what I am doing. I have come to some realizations about myself that I would like to share.

I think I have been spending too much time waiting. Waiting to mold myself around some life that would appear before me. Something perfect. Yes, I think I have been waiting for some perfect plan that I could wrap myself around and therefore become a perfect person. And somehow I have thought that this perfection would come as a product of waiting for a perfect moment.

Looking around me, I see no perfection and I am realizing that there is no perfect plan headed my way. Waiting, therefore, has left me paralyzed to a degree and has prevented me from really living.

I don’t mean to say that my dreams are not good or righteous. I don’t mean to say that it is a bad thing to make goals or decisions about what you want in life. I am saying and beginning to believe that such dreams can become an obstacle. If we obsess over them, worry over them and spend too much of our time dreaming about them, we miss the moment that we are in. And this very moment that we are in is really all that we have. It is all that we have. Without living today it is as if we do not exist. Without living today we would be a memory or a dream but nothing real.

You may have made this discovery long ago. I thought that I knew these things. Only over the past few days have I really felt what this means for me.

There are moments when I want to morn and regret my past or opportunities that are gone. Things that I desperately wish I could take back or things that I wish so badly I had known earlier in my life; mistakes that could have been avoided if I had known. There have been moments when I should have reached out to others but didn’t. There have been moments when I have let real love slip through my fingers.

I often find myself regretful. It is easy to look back and let memories take over, robbing me of joyous experiences that are all around me.

The point of all of this is that I am tired of waiting and I am tired of regretting.

And so, childhood dreams aside. The hope of marriage and children and my own home aside and the possibility that these things may not ever come to me in this life, I have a decision to make. What do I want? What do I want to be and do? Or see or experience? What can the world give me or what can I give it?

I do not yet know the answers to these fabulous questions. What I do know is that I am going to figure out the answers and then I am going to go and do the things that I want to do. That’s right, I’m going to do what I want and grab hold of every bit of joy that I can because that, my friend, is living in the moment. What lies before me is opportunity. A whole wide world of opportunity for me to figure out what I will be.

Instead of expecting to arrive at some destination of perfection, I hope that I will be aware of what is going on around me and understand what part I want to play this world.


  1. Emily, my dear, I hope you realize what a beautiful, wonderful person you ALREADY are!! And I sincerely hope you find what it is you're looking for in life. You deserve all the wonderful things that life has to offer you!! Miss you lots!!

  2. This was a great post, Em! I adore you and hope you find whatever makes you the happiest. :)

  3. I love it. I love you. You took the words right out of my heart. Well done, Em :)

  4. You are loved! and you have already accomplished so much in life. You are wonderful! I know the Lord has wonderful blessings to give you if you truly make an effort to be all that you can. And whne those blessings come, accept them with all that you have...and never regret it. I LOVE you sister! I look up to you in more ways than you will ever know.

  5. Emily! I wish you were here in TN so I could give you a big ole hug! And then a talking to... You are a VERY special person and have so much to offer this world. Don't ever forget that. Great things are going to come your way, but like you said, live for the moment and don't let all the good things slip by. Patrick and I think of you often and miss you lots! You touched our lives in a very special way!

    You know my phone number. If not, then email me on facebook and I will send it to you.

    Love you bunches!

  6. Emily, like stephanie said you are a very special person. dont you forget that, the time you was here in hixson was the best, you have touched my life,and that is when you came to are home you all ways would sing, and i well not forget that. i miss you and hope for that best for you.... patrick

  7. Thanks everyone, you are all so sweet :) I actually felt really good after writing this because it was just me realizing some things about life! I love you all and thank you for everything you wrote :)

  8. Emily, you said this better than I could've ever done. You are amazing in how you can synthesize a feeling. You get it, for sure. Keep going. You are on the right track. Follow your heart and don't let anything get you down. Dad

  9. I find myself thinking and feeling similar things a lot. One of things that trips me up with this whole issue is figuring in what kind of person God wants me to be. For me, my assumptions about who God wants me to be are similarly distracting and disabling because they leave me waiting for His plan for me (at least as I want to perceive it) to hit me over the head. To what extent that happens in my life (things like going on a mission, having a church calling, etc.) I find I do pretty well. Where I don't do well is when I'm left to myself because, just like you've so beautifully described, I wait instead of acting out of what I think is best. Life is tricky business, isn't it?

  10. ‎Yes, tricky business indeed. It's weird but realizing this stuff and doing something about it are two very different things...and I am STILL trying to figure out what to do with my life.



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Provo, Utah, United States